Gym Girls

We felt like we have been having too many sit down and color/draw/cut sort of activites. So we used our gym time this past week and let loose. The girls LOVED it. We asked them to come in gym shoes and be ready to play.

I stopped by the $ store for three ribbons to give as prizes.

I dug through the garage for a basket ball, bat & plastic ball, beach ball.
We played three simple games-

Basketball Blackout
Baseball Target (hit the ball at a wall panel)
Volleyball (with the beach ball). This was between two girls at a time, each match eliminating until the final winner.

You would think the ribbons were made of gold with how badly they wanted to win. We did have two girls who won twice each but they were kind enough to let a third girl (second place) take home the third ribbon. So be ready for the "if one of you wins two ribbons" sort of decision.

Simple, cheap, and active!


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  2. Okay, I know this is after the fact, but we did a Conference Activity Day the week before General Conference. I thought I would go ahead and share what we did, because six months from now, we will have conference again! Let me start by saying that none of these ideas are original, and I hope that I give credit to the right people. Thanks for sharing all of your amazing ideas with the rest of us! Buy LOL Elo Boost
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