Booklet about Dad

In honor of Father's Day, we made up little booklets for the girls to fill out with their Dads. The idea was for them to spend a bit of time together as well as get to know him a bit better, talking about things they might not usually talk about. They wrote a question on each page that they were to talk to their dad about and then write it in.

*Get a picture of the girl and her Dad. This is the hardest part ;) I then got prints of them all.
*Made booklets by cutting cardstock in half & folding. I used the schools extra long stapler to staple the binding. I used color for the cover and white for the pages.
*Printed off question list ideas, Dad 'stickers' (thanks to this super cute kit), bag tag.
*Brought white paper lunch sacks, wrapping ribbon and microwave popcorn.
*Glue sticks, scissors from supply box.

The popcorn was the most expensive part - so you could leave that out or use a different treat.


  1. I love this--even though we missed Father's Day, I hope to try this soon. thanks for sharing!

  2. I am really excited to do this! Can you please tell me what the white paper bag and popcorn were for? It also looks like there may be a little paper with words on it that is perhaps for the paper bag. What is that? Thanks! What a great idea!
