Easter Activity Idea: Resurrection Rolls

image from cowboys 4 christ

Here is one more quick idea for an Easter themed Activity Day.  I like this one, because it is your activity and treat all in one!  This activity is making Resurrection Rolls, which are rolls which start out with a marshmallow in the center, and then, the marshmallow melts, and the roll is empty and hollow in the middle, representing the empty tomb.  While the rolls are baking, you have time to read the Easter story.  It's a great way to reinforce what Easter is all about!  So without further ado, here is the recipe:

Resurrection Rolls

can crescent roll dough
8 large marshmallows
melted butter
cinnamon sugar

1. Preheat oven to 350 and read John 19 while it's heating.
2. Roll out the dough and explain how it is like the cloth they wrapped Jesus' body in.
3. Explain how a marshmallow is like Jesus, pure and white without sin, and it represents his body.
4. Roll the marshmallow in the melted butter and then cinnamon sugar, representing the oils and spices they placed on Jesus' body before burying him.
5. Roll the marshmallow in the dough, pinching the edges shut. Explain how this is like wrapping Jesus' body in the cloth.
6. Put the rolls in the oven, or the tomb, for 12 min.
7. While they bake, read John 20:1-18.
8. When baked, open up the rolls to discover the marshmallow is gone, just like Jesus' body was gone from the tomb because he was resurrected.

You might even consider sending the girls home with their own Resurrection Rolls Kit, so they can do this activity with their own family!  Here is a printable version for you if you would like to do so!  

go HERE for printable pdf,




  1. This is such a fun idea! I love it. We will be using it tonight! Thank you so much for all your hard work and for posting your ideas on here! We've used them many times :)
