A Week of Questions

This week I am trying something new! I am going to ask a new question each day this week in hope that we will be able to help each other improve or find new ideas that will improve our activities. I would love your input! And remember, the more answers the better!

Today's Question:

How do you make each girl feel important individually?

Here are a few things that I try:
*Spotlighting a different girl each time

*Writing them notes on Sunday telling them that I think they look cute that day, that their hair looks extra nice, that I think they are special, etc.

*Now, I know this sounds crazy, but I really try to relate to the girls on their level. I try to ask them questions as if I were their best friend in order to get to know them better. You would be amazed how much they appreciate this!


  1. If we have a girl that couldn't make it to an activity we try to go to her house and give her any handouts or crafts (that we made for her)that she missed. This way they know they were missed and they feel like we care about them.

  2. We also spotlight our girls and give them their favorite candybar.

  3. Try having the girls trace their bodies on butcher paper (or you could just have them draw themselves on a smaller sheet of paper) and have them write things inside that they do good. You might also add things as their leader that you love or appreciate about them.

  4. Love your blog. I've posted a link from my blog. Thanks. Hugs, Andi
