Manners and a Tea Party

* Thanks to Heather for sharing this idea!
The girls LOVED the "Tea Party" for this weeks achievement days. In today's society so many young ladies lack the simple manners necessary to help them become respectful women. So, having an activity centered around manners was only appropriate. Don't worry no real tea drinking took place.Each girl was formally invited with a had delivered invitation. They were instructed to wear their Sunday best and a hat to match. The girls said they loved getting all dolled up for the event.
Along with the theme of a tea party small finger foods were made for the girls. Mini cupcakes, mini croissant sandwiches, mini muffins, mini fruit kabobs and assorted gumdrops and candies. They thought they were in heaven. I think they loved the frappe drink the best.
When the girls arrived each had a setting prepared for them at the table. We talked about manners. What's expected of them and how to properly act in different types of settings. We even talked about holding doors, language and modesty. Once they had their fill of treats we played a few games.The first was a tray with 20 things you may find at a tea party. Each girl had only 2 minutes to study the tray and then try to remember what was shown. The girl with the most correct items listed won. Of course there were party favors for everyone so no one went home empty handed.
This was due to the place settings. Each of the girls were assigned a seat. There name was listed on a card and the card was attached to their tea cup with a hair clip that was holding their name card, a great way to include a party favor into the actual setting.After the game of memory the girls played a game they just had a hoot doing. This was a little silly but gave them a chance to be a little more relaxed since the event was so proper. A small box with a simple gift inside, we used a dress up necklace was wrapped 10 times. You can wrap the box as many times as you like. Under each layer was a sticker with an action the girls must do. The girls sat at the table and we passed the box around to music. When the music stopped the girl left holding the box removed the first layer of wrapping paper. Under the paper was a sticker telling her to do something like "sing your favorite primary song opera style" she must complete the action and once done the game continues. Each time the music is stopped a girl will remove a layer of paper and complete the action until the box can be opened and the prize revealed. The last girl to open was the keeper of the necklace. The girls had a great time doing this and loved playing.
When the activity was over we again talked to the girls about manners to practice thru the week and encouraged them to have a family home evening with their family and focus on the manners that they learned that day. I think it turned out great and the girls were able to complete more than one goal.


  1. I love this idea and think it would be lots of fun for the girls

  2. What a wonderful way to have fun, teach manners and use the time to share the gospel... Thanks for the idea

  3. You area Godsend to those of us non-creative type! Keep posting!

  4. Can you give us more examples of what you had them act out in their dresses? We are having a hard time coming up with ideas:)

  5. I just found your site and I am a new leader for achivemnt days. Great ideas! I can't wait to try out many of them. Thanks so much!

  6. How you actually eat the food is only a small portion of good table etiquette. We will try not to bore you with too many do's and don't s, but a few good table manners never hurt anyone. We will share a few general guidelines that will help you survive any occasion.

  7. We did this activity for our 8-9 year old group, just on a smaller scale and it was a hit. We had an older lady from our ward come and talk about phone manners. It was really fun. She brought 2 play phones and went over different phone scenarios. The girls really liked it and I think they learned a lot.
