Service and Valentines

Today we had a Valentines party but also talked to the girls about service.  To start off, we talked about how it feels to serve and asked the girls to share some experiences that they had when someone served them.  We discussed how we may not feel like we are doing very much, we don't know how simple acts of service can really change someone's day.  We then gave each girl instructions to go home and do a secret, simple act of service for someone in their family.  They were each given two hearts to leave behind after they accomplished their service.

Next, we exchanged Valentines.  On our invitation we asked each girl to bring a Valentine to share with each of the other girls.  We made sure they knew that that did not mean they had to go buy something.  We told them it shouldn't be anything fancy, just creative.  Not all of the girls were able to bring some, and that was no big deal!  They still received some and were happy.  We only had one girl that brought store bought cards, all of the others made theirs.  It was great to see how different they were.  One girl used her mom's stamps, another used printer paper and highlighters and another used glitter glue to decorate cardstock.  They were all so diverse.

To end, we all gathered in the kitchen and decorated sugar cookies.  The girls had a great time frosting and laughing.  We had a great time and no one left empty handed.

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