Calendar for 2012

I'm a planner - I can't help it.
I usually plan out 6 months of activities, right now I've got all of next year sketched out - mostly for budget planning. I print the calender for the girls and they have it in their folders and I know they watch it because they will ask about a future activity often. So, after some searching the web for ideas and using the FiG booklet, here is our baseline calendar for next year. Hopefully it will help some of you plan ideas for yours!
Just as an FYI this version has some detail notes that wont be on the girls calendars. I like them to have the activity title and what FiG topic it cooresponds with (if any).
I will post detailed activity plans as they come about. I'd love to hear what all of you are doing!


  1. You are a planner. It seems if me and my partner plan out more than a couple of months something always comes up that one of us can't make it and we need both of us there because we have 14 girls! We just had our last activity of the year and we did no-sew fleece headband/earwarmers. The girls loved them and they turned out great. Love your blog.

  2. Your awesome! Lots of great simple ideas! Love it:)

  3. YAY!!! What a rockstar you are :)
    Thanks for all the amazing ideas that you share.

    Jennie {Cinnaberry Suite}

  4. Wow. I am so happy I found your blog! Thanks for sharing all your amazingly organized and well thought out plans. You are awesome!

  5. I just found your blog and I love this calendar. Would you be willing to email it to me in something other than a PDF? I would like to go in and personalize it for my girls.
    Thanks for sharing your ideas!
    onewildefamily at yahoo dot com
