Sacrament Lesson

Tonight for Activity Days we are doing something super simple yet really important.  We are going to work on the requirement under Learning and Living the Gospel about the sacrament.  My lovely assistant will be teaching a short lesson on the sacrament and the covenants we make/renew.  Then the girls will be coloring and decorating this card, which is 4x6.

We are going to put some ribbon at the top so they can use it as a scripture/bookmarker.  They will be able to pull it out and look at it during the sacrament each week.  Also,they can use it to help them remember the principles they need to teach for FHE.  If you want to use this,CLICK HERE

I also whipped up some little treat bags for them to take home, because the more reinforcement they get, the better.  (Plus, as we all know, if it is laminated, it is TRUE!)  So I made these:

Each bag has a take 5, some lifesavers, and some conversation hearts.  They were going to be Reese's hearts, but someone who shall remain nameless couldn't stay out of them!  Ok--I confess.  It was me.  I attached the following card with ribbon, but since I can't figure out how to crop this image, you get to look at it four-fold:
If you would like to use this, go here for the lifesaver card.  

To wind up our meeting, we will be practicing the hymn Choose the Right.  We will review the concept of agency.  This is also a requirement under Learning and Living the Gospel.  Ordinarily, this would involve having the Primary Chorister come and help us, but as luck would have it, I AM the Primary Chorister and I just happen to be available!

Hope some of these ideas are helpful to y'all!



  1. Such a cute Idea! I love your site! Thanks a million!

  2. This is the best blog!!! Thanks so much for posting such awesome ideas! Love love LOVE!

  3. I'm going to use this idea this next week; thank you for posting.
