Who is Your Scripture Superhero?

A couple of weeks ago, we did a scripture superhero activity.  I asked the girls to think about who was their scripture superhero and be prepared to talk about their superpower. ( I made these little invitations with clip art from the ldsblogtrain.  They did a month of scripture hero digital art.  Supercute!  And free, although some of the links no longer work. )

For a snack, we kept it "super"simple and just bagged up some cookies-to-go with a cute bag topper.  I also sent the girls home with mini notebooks and printed some of these covers and adhered them to each one.  They were little scripture journals for them to write their thoughts in as they read the scriptures.

So, on to the activity:  
After opening song, Scripture Power, of course, and prayer, I shared a quick message.  I used a talk by Pres. Ezra Taft Benson, called In His Steps, as my basis.  He talks about how there is a great battle going on and how we need to fight.  "Great battles can make great heroes, but heroes will make great battle.  You will never have a better opportunity to be a greater hero in a more crucial battle than in the battle you will face today and in the immediate future."  You can find the talk here.  

I then asked each girl to tell us who her scripture hero was and what his/her superpower was.  I was amazed at the insight of these little girls as they shared.  Here are a few examples:

Ammon showed up several times.  He had superpowers of service, obedience, and work.  One of those girls said his superpower was doing what he was asked to do!  That is truly an amazing character trait nowadays!

Nephi was a hero because he was humble after he broke his bow and went to the prophet to ask where he should go to find food.  The girl who shared this said his superpower was not murmuring.  I wish I had that one!

Ruth was a hero because she followed her mother-in-law to a different place.  Her superpower was courage.

Esther was brave.

Joseph Smith was a superhero because he saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  His superpower was that he knew he could talk to God.

Moroni, the son of Mormon, was a superhero because he stayed faithful and righteous all his life, and all on his own.

When everyone had a turn, we used these little "capes" to write some goals and ways that we could be like our superhero. 

I have to say, this is probably my favorite activity we have had so far.  It was super simple, but the spirit was so strong as the girls talked about the people they loved in the scriptures and shared the qualities they admired.  I know it is really fun to do crafty things with fun games and super snacks, but sometimes all you need is the gospel.  These sweet girls are truly amazing in their capacity to learn and understand the gospel!  Depending on how many girls you have, you may want to add a couple of different activities.  We had about 14, so it took our entire time to just do a couple of things.  I thought maybe a superhero obstacle course would be fun-maybe make a lego tower with a sign that says "temptation" on it for them to leap over.  Maybe some giant "barbells"  made of styrofoam balls and a dowel with labels of  "trials" and "adversity" on it.  I am sure there is a lot you could do!  Enjoy!

P.S.  You should be able to click on the images above and then right click and save.  They are made to print on 81/2x 11, but they are jpegs, so hopefully you can resize them for whatever you need.  If not, email me!  

here is the invite in word so you can put a text box with your details on it.  Email me if it doesn't work!


  1. love is idea! super cute! thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks, Holly! I hope you enjoy doing it!

  3. Hello! LOVE this idea! So stinkin' cute and very cleaver way to make a scripture activity fun! Do you have this in a WORD document form? I would like to change the "invitation" page to list our date/location. Any help would be appreciated :)

  4. thanks for the idea! we just did this with our girls last week and it was awesome. But, when we asked them to pick a super hero from the scriptures a lot of the girls said "but my mom is my super hero!" it was the absolute cutest thing I have seen in the whole world.

  5. So glad they liked it Suzzie! I am amazed at the girls we have-they teach me so much!

  6. Hello! LOVE this idea! So much!!!!' cute and very cleaver way to make a scripture activity fun! My favorite Scripture hero is Satan!!!! oh that guy makes the scripture so interesting, other wise it would be boring! :(

    Hail SATAN!!!

  7. Is there a way you can send me the capes big or just one big when I try to print it prints small

    1. Brandy, send me your email address and I will send it to you!

  8. Thank you, we are doing this activity today! I love it!
