Duct Tape Jars and Tithing

This amazing idea is from Leigh Anne over at your homebased mom.  Not only is she one of my favorite bloggers, but she is an AD leader!  So we can reap the genius of her great ideas with the wonders of the internet!  Hop on over to the link above for this great idea.  And while you're there, you might want to stay awhile and browse her other fabulous, fun, pretty, and delicious ideas!  Seriously, I have loved every recipe I have tried from Leigh Anne.  Thanks for graciously letting us "borrow" this, Leigh Anne!  


  1. This is such a neat idea. Did you get it from a FHE idea book or hear it from someone? There are so many great ideas out there that help kids learn about tithing and other gospel principles. http://www.pioneerbook.com

    1. This one is from yourhomebasedmom. She is AMAZING! And she graciously allowed us to use it on here. Head over to her site. She has tons of ideas on absolutely everything.
